Corporate Holiday Notice We are closing all our operation on upcoming Wednesday, 19th June, 2019,
celebrating our foundation day. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience
this may cause and appreciate your kind understanding and cooperation.
Any inquiries and/or requests we may receive on the above mentioned day
will be attended to sequentially on and after Thursday, 20th.

Once again, we thank you very much for your kind cooperation.
We received Osaka City Environmental Award Our efforts on fight against climate change by redusing waste and introducing a full-automated electric cleaning robot, ROBO Cleaper, that helps improve the environment, and our activities on protecting the envirionment, which we publish in our CSR reports, were highly recognized, and we received Osaka City Environmental Award in March 2019. We will actively continue working on preserving and improving envirionment.
Golden Week HolidaysWe will be closed from Saturday, 27th April 2019 to Monday, 6th May for Golden Week Holidays. We will resume work on Tuesday, 7th May. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your udnerstanding and cooperation.
We have just renewed our websiteThank you very much for coming to our website. We have just renewed it! We hope the new design and improvements give you a clearer understanding of our products, also browsing our website a better experience. It is now compatible with smartphones, and we hope this help make us reachable to you. If you bookmarked our EC site,, please change it to the new one,, as we combined PC and smartphone sites.